Registered tax agents

We are Registered Tax Agents providing services relating to:

  • ascertaining (that is, working out) or advising about liabilities, obligations or entitlements of clients under a taxation law
  • representing clients in their dealings with the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) in relation to a taxation law
  • where it is reasonable to expect clients will rely on the service to satisfy liabilities or obligations or to claim entitlements under a taxation law.

Taxation services

We provide taxation services including:

  • preparing returns, notices, statements, applications or other documents about a client's liabilities, obligations or entitlements under a taxation law.
  • lodging returns, notices, statements, applications or other documents about a client’s liabilities, obligations or entitlements under a taxation law.
  • assisting a client with tax concessions for expenditure incurred on research and development activities where the service involves the application of taxation laws.
  • preparing depreciation schedules on the deductibility of capital expenditure.
  • preparing or lodging objections on behalf of a client under Part IVC of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA) against an assessment, determination, notice or decision under a taxation law.
  • giving clients advice about a taxation law that they can reasonably be expected to rely on to satisfy their taxation obligations.
  • dealing with the Commissioner on behalf of clients.
  • applying to the Commissioner or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of, or instituting an appeal against, a decision on an objection under Part IVC of the TAA.
  • reconciling BAS provision data entry to ascertain the figures to be included on a client's activity statement.
  • filling in an activity statement on behalf of a client or instructing them which figures to include.
  • ascertaining the withholding obligations for employees of clients, including preparing income statements.
  • installing computer accounting software and determining default goods and services tax (GST) and other codes tailored to clients.
  • coding transactions, particularly in circumstances where it requires the interpretation or application of a taxation law.
  • providing a payroll service which involves interpreting and applying a taxation law, including reporting of employee payroll information through the use of single touch payroll (STP) enabled software.
  • undertaking a payroll compliance review, providing an assessment and/or opinion as to whether a client is compliant with their taxation obligations under one or more taxation laws.
  • providing tax related advice specific to a client's circumstances regarding: PAYG withholding liability, Superannuation Guarantee obligations, fringe benefits tax laws, and termination and redundancy payments.

© Copyright Richesse Management Group Pty Limited (ABN 82 130 929 770) trading as "Panacea Lawyers" and "Panacea Accountants"